Working with Page Layout.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Tags: business objects, page layout, sap, web intelligence
Here I would like to share a great and valuable experience I have had today. I was trying to show the gridlines on design view for easier page layout design. And I have been through a lot with a great java error at the end.
Firstly, let me discuss the error that I have encountered. When I try to enable grids, I messed up with the settings. And as a result, when I move the objects on the reports, or when I try to drag and drop an item, or when I try to insert a new report object like table or graph; I receive an error saying: "An error has occured" with the following detail:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero

After working on several solution trials and restarting server, reinstalling java runtimes, it turned out that the problem is a simple zero value error on the setttings. So if you leave Grid Spacing value to zero (0) and leave Snap to Grid checked, you will have this error. You just need to put a non-zero value for Grid Spacing and voila!
So if you want to have display as below for your page setup and move the objects along with the grids, follow these steps.

On Design Mode go to Report Element > Position > Align > Grid Options

On the upcoming menu,
if you just want to see the grids to guide you through placing the objects, then check Show grid
if you want to move the objects along with grid lines, then you need to check Snap to grid
Now important point is that defining Grid Spacing value because this must not be zero (0). Smaller the value, denser the grid boxes.